Sheppard Residence

Repainted in 2014 with colour agenda advanced by Vancouver Painted Ladies in collaboration with the owner.

From the North Van heritage register:


518 East 18th Street
Blackadder & Mackay, Architects 1922


This house was built for accountant George Sheppard, and designed by Blackadder & MacKay, an architectural  firm responsible for numerous Tudor Revival and Arts and Crafts style houses in North Vancouver. This residence was built by local contractors George Waddell (1862-1942) and Samuel George Waddell (1882-1964). A broad, sloped roof extends over the substantial front verandah. Half- timbering, exposed purlins, pegged square verandah columns and multi-paned casement windows reflect the Arts and Crafts aesthetic that persisted into the 1920s.

Photo of Sheppard Residence before Vancouver Painted Ladies
Sheppard Residence before Vancouver Painted Ladies

J. D. Residence

Picture of JD residence Point Grey

J. D. residence, Pt. Grey, Vancouver

This house constructed in 1912 was last painted by Vancouver Painted Ladies in 1999. We are currently undertaking a refresh of the paint altering the colour to conform with the “True Colours” historical  palette for Vancouver and Western Canada as advanced by the Vancouver Heritage Foundation in collaboration with Benjamin Moore Paints.

This project entails the repaint of the house proper, the original drive shed, and the refinishing of a subsequently added back deck.